I'm a Drupal noob and inherited a Drupal website to maintain. The site has a custom theme, which includes a "page--front.tpl.php" that Drupal loads as the front page. Within this script, there is the following call:
<?php print render($page['content']); ?>
This call used to display homepage-view.tpl.php (found under themes//), but I upgraded some modules and changed some settings in an attempt to fix some problems and now it appears to be showing all nodes, (there is a pager for /node?page=X in the section rendered by that print statement).
My guess is that $page['content'] is returning /node. Either /node pointed to homepage--view.tpl.php before or $page['content'] returned the value of homepage--view.tpl.php. Either way, how can I get the old behavior back?
Thanks in advance.