I am from Ukraine, so sorry for my bad English... Please help me to fix a problem. I'm trying to install Drupal with Drush on shared hosting.
I use the command drush site-install
. On localhost everything worked correctly, but on the hosting I get an error: Access denied for user 'bigferwn_t'@'localhost' to database 'bigferwn_t'
Command string is 100% correct. The problem lies with permissions. When Drush runs the site-install command it DROPs the RECREATEs the db. So if the db user does not have that permission (like in many hosting provider) we get the error access denied.
So I created a db in hosting account manually and want to install drupal using the database that I just created. I don't want to drop and recreate this db. I simply want use the existing database.
There are issues discussing the same problem https://www.drupal.org/node/1105514.
In the site-install command there is no option to "NOT CREATE OR DROP DB" or if there is I can't find it.
I tried to use the patch from https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/drush-script-options.patch which was proposed in the issue above, but it is old and for a different version of drush.
drush sql-drop
? You can see the command here: drush.ws/#sql-drop This command allows you to drop all tables in a database without actually destroying the database. Drupal requires a database be completely empty before starting the install process. Once you run this, you should be able to access www.your-site.com/install.php or run your site install command.