Let's assume that the Rules action that you want to trigger is to just set a Drupal message like "Hi there ...". But this action should only be triggered when "Viewing the content" located at a path like "/entrepreneur
To get this to work, use the rule below (in Rules export format, just import it in your site and check the results of it):
{ "rules_visit_view_with_path_entrepreneur" : {
"LABEL" : "Visit view with path entrepreneur",
"PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
"OWNER" : "rules",
"REQUIRES" : [ "rules" ],
"ON" : { "init" : [] },
"IF" : [
{ "data_is" : { "data" : [ "site:current-page:path" ], "value" : "/entrepreneur" } }
"DO" : [ { "drupal_message" : { "message" : "Hi there" } } ]
The rule above should be close to what you're looking for, except maybe from these further refinements:
- Replace the Rules Action by your own "Rules Action" (which you didn't specify).
- This Rules Action will be performed before your content located at
is actually shown. That implies you could also issue some redirect (to another path) for whatever reason (so that the content located at some other URL would be shown instead.