With Fieldable panels panes is it possible to programatically add a default category for all reusable entities?
Im adding new instances as follows, but it would be great if I could hard-code or even just suggest a category for all panes of this type to be created under. This way the Panels IPE wouldn't be such a mess if (when) editors don't set a category and everything gets lumped into 'Reusable Content'.
function logic_pane_bundles_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {
$entity_info['fieldable_panels_pane']['bundles']['poster_pane'] =
'label' => t('Poster Pane'),
'pane category' => t('Hello bundles'),
'pane top level' => TRUE, // set to true to make this show as a top level icon
'pane icon' => '',
'admin' => array(
'path' => 'admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes/manage/%fieldable_panels_panes_type',
'bundle argument' => 4,
// Note that this has all _ replaced with - from the bundle name.
'real path' => 'admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes/manage/poster-pane',
'access arguments' => array('administer fieldable panels panes'),
Many thanks!