im having a little trouble keeping a project update.

I track the code via a private git repo, and for each update I follow those steps (first on stagin, then on production):

  • update all the 3rd pars modules (from drupal.org)
  • Update database (via drush updb)

Then if everything is ok:

  • update my modules (via git repo)
  • update database (drush again)

All works perfectly, except for pages/views exported via Features module: in my module i hav a function like this:

 * Implements hook_default_page_manager_pages().
function mymodule_default_page_manager_pages() {
    // Second page...
    $page = new stdClass();
    // page definition, display, etc..
    $pages['page_machine_name'] = $page;

    // Second page...
    $page = new stdClass();
    // page definition, display, etc..
    $pages['page_machine_name'] = $page;

    return $pages;

The structure is the same for views.

I noticed that if i update that function changing something in a previous declared (and imported) page (add a pane, change a configuration on a content, etc..), this one wont get updated! (yeah, i flushed the cache different times both via UI and via drush)

Am I doing something wrong? There is a specific way to update those elements?

1 Answer 1


Well, this can not be the best solution but it works:

function mymodule_update_7001(&$sandbox) {
  // Views.
  if (is_callable('views_save_view')) {
    $views = module_invoke_all('views_default_views');
    foreach ($views AS $view_object) {
    // Rebuild it.
    $views = module_invoke_all('views_default_views');
    foreach ($views AS $view_object) {

  // Pages
  module_load_include('inc', 'page_manager', 'plugins/tasks/page');
  if (is_callable('page_manager_page_save')) {
    $pages = module_invoke_all('default_page_manager_pages');
    foreach ($pages AS $page_object) {
    // Rebuild it
    $pages = module_invoke_all('default_page_manager_pages');
    foreach ($pages AS $page_object) {

Basically just keep updated the views and pages definitions (views_default_views and default_page_manager_pages), the delete and rebuild them.

Obviously, this remove all customizations done via the Drupal's UI, so only do it for the views and pages you need to update!

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