I have a local dev environment and a test server environment. Both are running the exact same code.
In a custom module, I added a drush hook to extend the sql_sanitize command in order to ensure all private user data is removed from the development database.
From a directory within my local environment, I can invoke drush like this:
drush sql-sanitize
And my custom drush hook is run properly.
However, when I invoke drush from the same location but targeting my remote server environment (Pantheon, if it matters, and I checked their documentation, but didn't see any relevant notes):
drush @mytestserver sql-sanitize
sql-sanitize resolves, but the custom drush hook is not called, even though the module containing the hook is enabled locally and on the test server.
I tried invoking the command from a directory outside my local dev environment, but again sql-sanitize resolved without the custom drush hook being called.
How can I execute the drush hook in a remote environment from my local machine?
I have tried both Drush 5.9 and 6.4.0.