I'm trying to use both the "Media" module (1.4) (to manage uploaded files) and the "File (Field) Paths" (to keep the uploaded files organized in various subfolders).
Basically, I have a content type that has several taxonomy fields and a media field. The taxonomy fields are mandatory and accept only one value each. I want the media file to be uploaded in a folder that uses the various taxonomy fields as a path, and I've configured the file field accordingly (using the "file (field) paths" options). So the file should be saved to e.g.:
My problem is that, when manually creating a new node and adding a file to it, the file is just saved to the root of the public files directory:
So the "file (field) paths" configuration for this field seems to be ignored. This also happens if I add a file after the node has been created and saved.
Since I expect the site will have a lot (thousands, maybe tens of thousands) of uploaded files, I fear that storing all of them in the same folder will have an impact on the performance of the site.
What's strange is that when I use the feeds module to import and create nodes in bulk (via a CSV file), the "file (field) paths" configuration is working as intended. The files are saved in the "complex" path.
So why wouldn't it work when creating a node manually?...
Any idea for a solution?
Thanks in advance.