I want to place a Simplenews subscription form on my front page that I implemented using the Front Page module in 'full' mode. How do I do this?

  • Have you tried creating a simple news block? If I understood your question correctly, then you could override Simple News and and place it as a block.
    – JT-Drupal
    Commented Oct 27, 2011 at 16:29
  • I tried adding the block using this code: <?php $block = module_invoke('simplenews','block_view','5'); print render($block); ?> But it didn't work.
    – modoq
    Commented Oct 31, 2011 at 14:21

2 Answers 2


Try this:

<?php $block = module_invoke('simplenews','block_view',5); print render($block); ?>

The number 5 shouldn't be sent as a string.

And if you are putting this in a textarea on Drupal's backend, you need the PHP input filter, which is generally a bad idea. Better to go through the theming system, add a region, and put the block there.



You should print render($block['content']); instead print render($block);
So solution will be:

<?php $block = module_invoke('simplenews','block_view',5);
 print render($block['content']); ?>

5= your block id (go to http://example.com/admin/structure/block and find simple newsletter block

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