Using several different themes, I'm looking to add a generic region to the bottom of each "content" section of my webpage. The code I have so far is. . . . with Social Share being the name of the block.
2 Answers
If you have all of these different themes enabled (and you aren't using something like Panels), then you can simple edit this from the Block administration page (admin/structure/block).
If you want this to be completely removed from configurability, then I would recommend either doing a preprocess function for the content region (or hard-coding, ick, your custom HTML into the region itself).
- Modify the Bartik theme directly. Of course, this is not the suggested practice. In the Drupal community, we don't modify Drupal's core unless we are applying a patch.
- Copy the Bartik theme to the /sites/all/themes directory, rename the theme, and modify it to include the region you desire.
There is a third option, which includes turning Bartik into a base theme and then creating a sub-theme, but that conversation is outside the scope of this tutorial.
In this tutorial, we will make a copy of Bartik and modify it.