jQuery will do this for you, but you wiull probably have to either write your own code for list items > 10, or adapt existing code to suit your needs.
There are various show/hide plug ins for jquery. In Drupal the facet api uses a jquery function to do just that as well given it's limit.
Here is the function from facetapi.js
* Applies the soft limit to facets in the block realm.
Drupal.facetapi.applyLimit = function(settings) {
if (settings.limit > 0 && !$('ul#' + settings.id).hasClass('facetapi-processed')) {
// Only process this code once per page load.
$('ul#' + settings.id).addClass('facetapi-processed');
// Ensures our limit is zero-based, hides facets over the limit.
var limit = settings.limit - 1;
$('ul#' + settings.id).find('li:gt(' + limit + ')').hide();
// Adds "Show more" / "Show fewer" links as appropriate.
$('ul#' + settings.id).filter(function() {
return $(this).find('li').length > settings.limit;
}).each(function() {
$('<a href="#" class="facetapi-limit-link"></a>').text(Drupal.t('Show more')).click(function() {
if ($(this).prev().find('li:hidden').length > 0) {
$(this).prev().find('li:gt(' + limit + ')').slideDown();
$(this).text(Drupal.t('Show fewer'));
else {
$(this).prev().find('li:gt(' + limit + ')').slideUp();
$(this).text(Drupal.t('Show more'));
return false;