I have a site with Search API, Search Pages, and Fuzzy Search modules installed. There's no Solr or anything installed. The core search module is turned off. I have a node whose type is indexed, with title as a searchable field, whose title is "quick brown fox".

  • When I search for the term quick brown fox nothing comes up.
  • When I search for the term quick brown nothing comes up.
  • When I search for the term quick fox my node comes up.
  • When I search for the term brown fox my node comes up.
  • When I search for the term quick fox my node comes up.
  • When I search for the term quick bro nothing comes up.
  • When I search for the term fox brown my node comes up.
  • When I search for the term fox quick my node comes up.

What is going on? Why is it getting confused by anything that contains the first word and second word of the node title in that order, but seems to be finding everything else just fine?

  • Out of interest is it just that one node you see the behaviour for or does it affect other phrases/titles as well?
    – Clive
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 16:58
  • Searching the full and complete title of any node appears to not bring up that node.
    – beth
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 18:43
  • Correction: Searching the full and complete title of some other nodes appears to not bring up those nodes. It's not all of them though.
    – beth
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 18:56
  • Also I do not have workbench installed on this site, I just realized. So it's not the Workbench Moderation bug I thought it might be.
    – beth
    Commented May 14, 2015 at 3:28


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