I've got a clean install of D6.22, CCK, Filefield, ImageField, Filefield Sources and IMCE. No other modules.
When i go to http://mysite.com/imce it all works perfectly (see screenshot).
But when i try to implement an image field with IMCE as a filefield source, i can click the "browse" link and the IMCE popup comes up, but the only button i get at the top of the popup is "Insert file". No upload, no delete, no resize etc. Here's the screenshot.
I see from the popup's page info that its URL is... http://mysite.com/filefield/imce/page/field_pics?app=pics|url@edit-field-pics-0-imce-path (the image field's human name and machine_name are both "pics"). I'm logged in as user-1, and the IMCE user-1 profile is looking good.
Also, there are no javascript errors, and if inspect the popup with Firebug, the upload button is there, but hidden. If I unhide it and click the button, I get the alert "You can not perform this operation". So it seems to be a permissions problem rather than a javascript problem.
I'm sure i've missed something so simple nobody's bothered to mention it in any of the docs. Can someone enlighten me?!