I have a view which is displayed from a theme method using views_get_view() and view::preview (see below). This view has an exposed filter. Unfortunately the exposed filter form does not work. When I submit the form it calls the wrong URL.

The wrong URL looks like this


For comparison, the link of the sortable columns (which work as expected) does look like this:


How can I fix this?

function theme_win_care_communications_page( $customer, $form, $form_state) {
  global $user;
  $output = '';
  watchdog('win_care', 'communications_page user=' . $user->uid . ', cust=' . $customer->id);
  $communications_view = views_get_view('drp_communications');
  $output .= $communications_view->preview('default', array($user->uid));

  // add an explanatory text
  if ($customer->reseller_id==33) { // mbudget only
    $output .= t('Note M-Budget: tariff is a function of the call time (in lots of 10 cents).');
  else {
    $output .= t('Note: setup fee of 0.50 per call, minute rate according to current tariffs');

  return $output;
  • what is the url it is calling? does it look "almost" right, eg, can you give more detail as to what it should look like versus what it is actually?
    – Jimajamma
    Commented Dec 4, 2011 at 1:12

1 Answer 1


Thanks for the additional info, it adds a lot of light to the issue. I am not exactly sure what is going on but maybe an explanation of what drupal does might give you an "A-ha! That's where I entered some info wrong" moment:

In the code, drupal/views/etc uses form redirects:

$form_state['redirect']= VARIABLE OR CODE TO SET IT TO A PATH

that is obviously mangling the redirect into:


What is interesting here is it is setting that url to the date_start value instead of adding that to the url:


So here, instead of adding ?date_start=12 to the end of


it's replacing it all (additional vars get the ?= changed to an &=)

So, I'd look at how you are defining date_start in your view forms and see if anything odd pops up there. That or in your theme code setting the redirect to that directly.

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