I have created a role Customers. I added UserA to the role. When I logged in as UserA, I see My Account link in the Header region. After I click My Account, I see three tabs : Views, Edit, Checklists. How to remove Edit and Checklists tabs from the My Account page?

I created a page view. The path for the page view is xxx.com/payments. How can I add a new tab (Payment) next to Views tab on the My Account page? When UserA clicks the Payment tab, the page view xxx.com/payments displays right under all the tabs.

1 Answer 1


For your first question answer remove the from page.tpl.php or you can alter it by hook_menu_alter. Use type MENU_NORMAL_ITEM.

For you view you need to create one hook_menu_alter and add type as MENU_LOCAL_TASK.

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