I have a page about buying/selling the car, on the views I have filter with by exposed function. My expected is, when I select the first category, the hidden sub level 1 category should be visible then the User can select level 1 category, we continue show the level 2. Then we make the filter with this filter.
For ex.
- All Categories
- Used Cars for Sale
- Motorcycles
- [Selected [Used Cars for Sale]:
- Acura
- Honda
- Toyota
- [Selected [Motorcycles]
- Cruiser/Chopper
- Off-Road/Dual Purpose
- Sport Bike]
Select All Categories with Used Cars for Sale, 1 should show and 2 show invisible, select Motorcycles 1 should invisible and 2 should visible, and so on.
Click Filter, it should filter the current views.
It should be customize with the text, the range slide, the checkboxs... So what is the best modules or best way that I can do with the Views module?
Looking for somebody help me the solution
Kind regards, John