- Drupal version : 8.2.0
- Module "Better exposed filter" version : 8.x-3.0-alpha1
In short :
I created a view with an exposed filter. When I use the operator "is all of" from my exposed filter, all works. My exposed filter shows some tags in a select/option html list. I downloaded and installed the module "Better exposed filter" for display my exposed filter in checkbox instead the select/option html list. If I configure my exposed filter for it display checkboxs, then the view displays no result.
In detail :
I created 3 simples contents of type 'articles' :
- Recipe one (tags 'ingredients' : salt, sugar )
- Recipe two (tags 'ingredients' : super, pepper )
- Recipe three (tags 'ingredients' : pepper, salt )
I created a very simple view :
When I do a search, I get two of my articles if I select the tag "sugar" with the exposed operator "is all off" : (look the Query, only one "INNER JOIN")
Tags exposed filter is an html select/option list. I want to change this style by a list of checkboxs. So, I configure the filter style with the "better exposed filter" module :
When I do that, my view works when I search with the filter exposed operator "is one of". But when I use the filter exposed operator "is all off", no result displayed !
In the new query, I noticed there are two "INNER JOIN". The second uses an id = 0, the error must be here.
My questions are :
- Do I forget something in my configuration ?
- Is a bug in the module "better exposed filter" ?
- What should I do to operate the operand "is one off" when I display it in list of checkboxs ?