I have created an entry form. Only authenticated user can access it. I have created a menu link for it and if any anonymous user clicks on menu link I want to show a login form and after successful login user is redirected to that entry form. I don't want to hide the menu link from anonymous user.(I have about 5 to 6 forms with same condition)

2 Answers 2


Logintoboggan will allow you display a login form when a user hits an access denied page:

Provide a login form on Access Denied pages for non-logged-in (anonymous) users.


          global $user;
          //Redirect original Page
          $redirect = 'destination='.drupal_get_path_alias(substr(urldecode(  drupal_get_destination()), 12) );
          if ($user->uid) 
                        header('Location:?q=node/nodename');   //If user is logged in. Go to specific destination      
          //If user is not logged in. Show him login or register
                       $login_link = l(t('Login'), 'user', array( 'query' => $redirect, 'alias' => TRUE )); 
$register_link = l(t('Register'), 'user/register', array( 'query' => $redirect, 'alias' => TRUE ));
$user_utilities = '

' . $login_link . '
' . $register_link; } echo "You are not Registered User. Please Login "; return $user_utilities; ?>

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