My web site is the first drupal site I have made. And after I made it, I left it to do other work -- like write the blogs for the site. I cannot remember how I set up the content pages that link to menu selection that do not appear as content on the main page.
The best way to explain what I am talking about is with a screen capture. I have added menu items to my main menu. I do not remember how I did it in the past. I want to add content and have it linked to the main menu (this option is available to me when I create the content) but I do not want them to appear as stories on the main page.
The circled areas in this screen shot shows the menu item I just added and the corresponding item on the main page that I do not want to be there. How do I remove it from the main page?
I am thinking that perhaps I should not have added it as a "content" but something else? If so, what and how?