I have written a custom module providing two custom config entities holding data, that is not language-specific. But I can't seem to find a way to tell Drupal, that there is no need to "translate" these entities - in fact, I get this action offered on every entity listing.
Even all core entities I found so far implement translation, but some provide their own translation handler. (Is this maybe a way to do it? Implementing a custom translation handler that tells Drupal not to translate anything? But how?)
Is someone out there who can point me in the right direction please?
My actual annotation look like this (please notice the "translatable" option, which is not working):
id = "ad_tag",
label = @Translation("Advertisement tag"),
module = "field_vimeo",
config_prefix = "field_vimeo.ad_tag",
admin_permission = "administer site configuration",
translatable = FALSE,
handlers = {
"storage" = "Drupal\field_vimeo\AdTagStorage",
"list_builder" = "Drupal\field_vimeo\AdTagListBuilder",
"form" = {
"default" = "Drupal\field_vimeo\Form\AdTagForm",
"delete" = "Drupal\field_vimeo\Form\AdTagDeleteForm"
links = {
"edit-form" = "/admin/structure/field_vimeo/ad_tags/manage/{ad_tag}",
"delete-form" = "/admin/structure/field_vimeo/ad_tags/manage/{ad_tag}/delete"
entity_keys = {
"id" = "id",
"type" = "type",
"label" = "label"
config_export = {
"id" = "id",
"type" = "type",
"label" = "label",
"data" = "data"
, seems it was based on old code. Doesn't look like there's currently a way to mark an entity type as monolingual but I might be wrong