I want to create a main menu with dropdown. There will be collapsed links in each menu heading. When the user hovers over one heading, links accompanied by that header will be displayed in a box.
I first tried to add node and give them parent nodes. For example, I have created a node with title called "Lorem" and created another with title called "Ipsum". I have provided both of them a menu link. I have set the "Lorem" node as the parent node of "Ipsum". But it seems like "Ipsum" doesn't appear in "Lorem"'s content of its menu link.
Is there any way to look up the links' child elements? For example:
This doesn't yeild me neither the link that connected to "Ipsum" or the "Lorem"'s child links. How can I see the "Lorem"'s child link? Or where it is?
If I can find it, I can override the theme_links
and create dropdowns.