I would like to use Views to create content for custom content type pages. This seems to be consistent with the use of Views in the Admin pages of Drupal 8. I'm running into problems integrating Views (the page content) with the page layout of the page. This should be simple -- but it does not seem to be. In all of this I would like to use the base features of Drupal 8 without custom or contributed modules.
The key functions that I am working to implement is being able to embed a View anywhere I would like in a page. Said another away, I would like to embed several Views (page content) into specific portions of a complex page structure (page layout).
- In Drupal 6 we have a content type and associated template file. Embedding a View in the template is straight-forward -- we use PHP code.
- I tried creating Views as Blocks and placing them in different Block layout areas. This became complicated quickly -- to much so. The problem is the page layout must become part of the Views. There may be a solution involving the creation of custom Block layout regions and make the Views part of these new region. The page design has several layers of content for mobile devices. We would need Block layout regions for "Layer 1", "Layer 2" and "Layer 3" which are all part of the page Body. I don't know if this will work.
- I created a custom module that creates a Block for the page. I can render whatever I want including layout elements and embedded Views content. The problem is I am quickly generating a lot of custom code -- one of my goals is to avoid this.
- I'm starting to look at Page Manager and Panels for a solution. Bringing these modules into the design for a seemingly simple problem does not seem like the correct answer.
- It seems there should be a simple way to embed a View into a Twig file associated with a content type. This is where we started -- the Drupal 6 approach. This simple solution has been difficult for me to achieve.
Any ideas?
The content we want to create has four parts. All four portions of content is a part of the "content" region of the page -- the top and three overlays. Here is a rough prototype: raystedman.org/d8/landing