I created a view listing content type called stories. Then I created a block with this view.

In mytheme.info file I have this code :

regions[header] = Header
regions[story] = Story
regions[content] = Content

So I put the view into the Story region

I want to display the region into user-profile.tpl.php so I add this code :

<?php print render($page['story']); ?>

If everything work, it should display all the stories via the view.

I don't know why it does not work.

Thanks for your help !

1 Answer 1


If you would like to show blocks only on the profile page and not on the user/register or user/login or or user/*/edit, you can use the code for blocks visibility.

global $user;
if (arg(0) == 'user' && $user->uid == arg(1) && is_numeric(arg(1)) && (arg(2) == NULL) )
  return TRUE;

else {
  return FALSE;

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