Hi I have 3 menus on my site and for display on mobile/tablet I would like to merge these menus to only 1 menu. Do you know how to do it. I tried to use menu_tree_all_data

and then merge them but I get Call to undefined function menu_tree_all_data. I'am confused that the function doesn't exist.


1 Answer 1


As I'm also looking for a solution to this issue I've come a bit further and maybe it will get you in the right direction.

To load a menu in Drupal 8 you can put this in a theme_preprocess_page in your .theme-file.

  $menu_tree = \Drupal::menuTree();
  $menu_name = 'main';

  // Build the typical default set of menu tree parameters.
  $parameters = $menu_tree->getCurrentRouteMenuTreeParameters($menu_name);

  // Load the tree based on this set of parameters.
  $tree = $menu_tree->load($menu_name, $parameters);

  // Transform the tree using the manipulators you want.
  $manipulators = array(
    // Only show links that are accessible for the current user.
    array('callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:checkAccess'),
    // Use the default sorting of menu links.
    array('callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:generateIndexAndSort'),
  $tree = $menu_tree->transform($tree, $manipulators);

  // Finally, build a renderable array from the transformed tree.
  $menu = $menu_tree->build($tree);
  $menu_html = \Drupal::service('renderer')->renderPlain($menu);

I have not yet worked out how to merge different menus into one big menu but I will let you know if I come up with a solution. You can find out more about the code above at Drupal 8.2.x » menu.api.php which is where I found it.

Ok, I now have found the solution which I found in the module Responsive and off-canvas menu

  $menus = array("main-menu","footer-menu","utility-menu");

  $combined_tree = array();
  $menu_tree = \Drupal::menuTree();
  $parameters = $menu_tree->getCurrentRouteMenuTreeParameters(trim($menus[0]));
  $manipulators = array(
    // Show links to nodes that are accessible for the current user.
    array('callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:checkNodeAccess'),
    // Only show links that are accessible for the current user.
    array('callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:checkAccess'),
    // Use the default sorting of menu links.
    array('callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:generateIndexAndSort'),
  // Force the entire tree to be build by setting expandParents to an
  // empty array.
  $parameters->expandedParents = array();
  // Iterate over the menus and merge them together.
  foreach($menus as $menu_name) {
    $tree_items = $menu_tree->load(trim($menu_name), $parameters);
    $tree_manipulated = $menu_tree->transform($tree_items, $manipulators);
    $combined_tree = array_merge($combined_tree, $tree_manipulated);

  $menu = $menu_tree->build($combined_tree);

  $vars['mobile_menu'] = array(
    '#prefix' => '<div class="off-canvas-wrapper"><div id="off-canvas">',
    '#suffix' => '</div></div>',
    '#markup' => \Drupal::service("renderer")->renderRoot($menu),

If you put this in your theme_preprocess_page in your .theme-file you could then in your page.html.twig print the twig variable {{ mobile_menu }}.

  • Make sure $vars corresponds to the function parameter: MYTHEME_preprocess_page(&$vars){ } Commented Nov 15, 2016 at 13:02
  • Also '#prefix' and '#suffix' seem to break things for me... Not had time to look into this... :) Commented Nov 15, 2016 at 13:04

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