I created a custom entity, next I enabled (via RESTui) the GET and POST methods. I gave anonymous users permissions to "Access GET", "Access POST" and "Create new content" of that entity.
When I navigate in my browser to "http://mywebsite/my_entity/1?_format=json", I get a proper JSON response. When I navigate to "http://mywebsite/my_entity/add", I can add a new entity.
When I try to POST a new entity via "http://mywebsite/my_entity?_format=json", I get a 403 repsonse with following body:
{ "message": "" }
Does someone have an idea what I'm missing here?
EDIT: When i put a die('give me something')
in the method post()
of the class "EntityResource" (which is the base class for all entities), the message isn't displayed...
EDIT2: I added headers "Content-Type" and "X-CSRF-Token"