I'm fairly new to Drupal and Drupalgap.

My Drupal site has a view/content called "donations".

In admin/structure/views, there are two PATHs: /current-donations and /available-donations. And of course, this URL works fine:

Now I'd like to render this view in drupalgap using a views render array.

My first attempt looked like:

function mobile_donor_donations_page() {
try {
    var content = {};
    content['avail_donations_list'] = {
        theme: 'view',
        format: 'ul',
        path: '/available-donations', /* the path to the view in Drupal */
        row_callback: 'mobile_donor_donations_list_row',
        empty_callback: 'mobile_donor_donations_list_empty',
        attributes: {
            id: 'avail_donations_list_view'
    return content;
catch (error) { console.log(':ER:mobile_donor_donations_page: ' + error); };

The above function gets called fine -- on my console (chrome, Ripple) I see

200 - OK
views_embed_view - success - TypeError: Cannot read    property 'count' of undefined

Looking at the views_embed_view() code below, it is throwing an exception because results.view is undefined:

// Render the view if there are some results, or if there are no results and an
// empty_callback has been specified. Otherwise remove the empty div container for
// the view from the DOM.
if (results.view.count != 0 || results.view.count == 0 && options.empty_callback) {

I tried from my browser, it returns html, not JSON.

To force JSON returned, I tried

path: 'drupalgap/node.json&parameters[type]=donation', /* the path to the view in Drupal */

This PATH does indeed return my content as JSON, however the error remains, since the JSON doesn't contain a "view" element.

200 - OK
views_embed_view - success - TypeError: Cannot read property 'count' of undefined

What PATH do I need to supply, or do I need to change structure of my content in Drupal to get the view to render?


  • Did you create a JSON Data Document display in your View, then give it a page path? That is the path that you use when building the Views Render Array. Commented Dec 12, 2016 at 16:20
  • No, I was using the original view for the Drupal site. I followed your instructions below and created a new view with format "JSON data document" with path This works great and I see the "count" element which was missing before. tylerfrankenstein.com/code/… Commented Dec 13, 2016 at 3:06
  • Great, I'm glad it is working. Please accept the answer when you have a moment, thank you. Commented Dec 13, 2016 at 14:38

1 Answer 1


Be sure to create a JSON Data Document display for your View with a unique page path, then you can use that path in your DrupalGap Views Render Array. More documentation and examples are available here: http://docs.drupalgap.org/7/Views/Displaying_a_View/Views_Render_Array

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