I want a View with a default sort criteria that can be overridden by a contextual filter. For example, the URL might end like this: ?sort=popular. popular would be associated with one field and recent, the default, would be associated with another field.
This is on Drupal 7 and Views 3.

  • htoip. I changed the term arguments to contextual filters, the new name for arguments in D7.
    – Ashlar
    Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 15:23

3 Answers 3


you can use "exposed filters", they will use url name/value pairs similar to contextual filters. If you don't want to show the exposed filter to the visitor you can hide them.


I am not sure how this translates to Drupal 7 and Views 3, but I have done the following with Drupal 6 and Views 2 using hook_views_query_alter

function mymodule_views_query_alter (&$view, &$query)
    if ($_GET["sort"]) {
        $sort = check_plain(trim(strtolower($_GET["sort"])));

        switch ($sort) {
            case "title":
                $query->orderby = array("node.title ASC");
            case "order":
                $query->orderby = array("node.nid DESC");
            case "somefield":
                $query->orderby = array("node_data_field_somefield_field_somefield_value ASC");

The trick is to make the views w/ the sorts, and look at the SQL, and use this to update your code.

  • Looks like a good answer, but it's a little over my head. I'll have to come back after I've learned some more.
    – htoip
    Commented Feb 13, 2012 at 16:39
  • @htoip Were you able to confirm or deny this?
    – Jeff
    Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 22:17
  • @Jeff I don't think I ever implemented that solution, but I am now familiar with all its parts and it looks like it would work perfectly. Usually that's not how anyone should want to handle arguments, but I had to maintain compatibility with old URL's.
    – htoip
    Commented Nov 21, 2013 at 15:04

In Drupal 7, query will look in following way:

$query->orderby[] = array('field' =>'node_title', 'direction' => 'DESC');

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