I Installed Chosen module and I have created field referencing to a taxonomy in one of my content type. But this is not taking the newly entered term, though i checked 'create new term if not exist' in manage field settings as shown in below image: enter image description here

Or Any idea How to remove tid from autocomplete selection.Same question is already asked before like in link1 ,link2, but i didnt get proper solution.

  • What do you mean by " But this is not taking the newly entered term"? You have an error message when submitting the form, or you add it and after saving it disappears? Or how?
    – ssibal
    Commented Apr 11, 2017 at 12:48
  • Term ,which is not added to that particular vocabulary.
    – rks
    Commented Apr 12, 2017 at 9:11


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