i need some help with Workbench access based on taxonomy.
This is my use case:
I have this taxonomy structure for my site:
- Term A
- Term B
- Term C
And i have 2 roles:
- editor
- editor C
Editor c users must be able to create or update only the term C nodes.
I installed Workbench, Workbench Access and Field Property to control this behavior.
I configured Workbench Access on Taxonomy.
In admin/config/workbench/access/roles i put Roles “Editor C” only in “Term C” Section.
I created in each content type a Taxonomy Reference field, based on Workbench Access (i checked “Workbench Access control field”).
So this fields has two purposes:
- tagging the node on my taxonomy structure
- Assign the proper editorial group
The problem:
When an Editor C user adds a content, he can select any term value, not only “Term C”.
In other words the Taxonomy Reference field display all result.
How can i filter/limit the record of taxonomy reference on workbench access permission?
If i check “Require a Workbench Access form element” in admin/config/workbench/access/settings the module add a “core” access control field in each content type.
This fields are filtered on Workbench access permission but i loose my first purpose (tagging the node on my taxonomy structure).
Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance,