The link passes the nid and date to another view. List of classes presenting a link to a list of bookings.
In the following example John's class has a link but Jake's class does not.
The 'Add booking' and 'Claim' links work for all classes and pass the url as nid/time where time is in seconds rather than formatted to be passed to views.
The date field is setup with the date formatted as follows
The link is created through rewriting
More things that don't work.
- Turn off Style settings > "add default classes"
Just rewrite the text instead of "Output this field as a link". I get the half closed span. This is true if I rewrite the source field.
2017-09-26AEST14:35">View Bookings
Creating a plain text field and rewriting there. Same result as for rewriting inline.
I can see why taking the default classes away might work, as it might stop the date formatter wrapping the text. The link formatter looks like it is removing the span, so any other rewriting doesn't work.
fields configuration.<a href="studio-manage.../[nid]/[field_when_2]">View bookings [nid]/[field_when_2]</a>
and disable Output this field as a link. This may give you some insight into what is going on.