In order to install MailChimp in Drupal 8 I followed the instructions for the MailChimp Drupal module.

Instructions for 8.x-1.x

The 8.x-1.x release uses version 3.0 of the MailChimp API and bundles the library with the module. This is a temporary solution until the process for installing libraries via composer is finalized in Drupal 8.

  1. in admin/modules/install I added mailchimp 8.x-1.3
  2. Checked that libraries is installed (Machine name: libraries; Version: 8.x-3.x-dev)
  3. Enabled all four modules (mailchimp, mailchimp_campaign, mailchimp_lists, mailchimp_signup)

However, when trying to configure the module at admin/config/services/mailchimp the page could not be found.

How can I resolve this issue and where should I start looking?

  • PHP 7.1.6-nmm1
  • Drupal 8.4.0-dev

1 Answer 1


You should use Composer to fetch this module, as it has an external dependency noted in its composer.json file:


It seems to include an older version with the module, I'm not sure why, but the current version of Mailchimp API by Thinkshout looks to be 1.0.8. I don't see any installation notes. The module comes with 1.0.6... ?

Other than that, clear your caches and try to access the page again.

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