I am trying to install the Swiftmailer module on Drupal 8, but I get the following error.
Swift Mailer requires the external Swift Mailer library. The recommended way of solving this dependency is using the Composer Manager module.
The steps I took are the following.
- I installed the Libraries and Mail System modules
- I installed the Swiftmailer external library, by running
composer require swiftmailer/swiftmailer:"~5.4.5"
from sites/all/libraries (inside the Drupal root directory) - I uploaded and uncompressed swiftmailer-8.x-1.0-beta2.tar.gz at $DRUPAL_ROOT/modules/. The installation seemed to be successful, afterwards I got a vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer directory under sites/all/libraries.
- I tried to install the Swiftmailer module with
drush en swiftmailer
and through the admin UI.
I have also tried the second step from other locations (for example $DRUPAL_ROOT/libraries), with the same result. Note that the Composer Manager module seems to be obsolete and not needed, according to latest information found in Drupal forums/sites.
How do I install the Swiftmailer module?