I want to change the HTML output for exposed filters of given view, on fresh new installation of Drupal 8 (no modules were added to it).
I tried to override views-ui-expose-filter-form.html.twig inside my theme's /templates folder, but it doesn't replace the default implementation. The theme itself works fine; for example, I can override the front page.
The file's description is here: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21views_ui%21templates%21views-ui-expose-filter-form.html.twig/8.2.x.
What am I doing incorrectly? Should I override another template file, or turn something on in the system for it to work, or the filename is wrong?
, this is the output of exposed filters. The other template is from the Views UI, for the form to configure the exposed filter, which you would have to override in the admin theme.