PDF Preview module not creating the image(first page of PDF) in docker (Ubuntu) for Drupal 8.5 version.
I have installed imagick(configured the exce path in imagetoolkit module) and Ghostscript and also configured the PDF Preview to the file filed of my content type.
But when I upload the Pdf file I get below error,
ImageMagick error 1:
convert: no images defined '/var/www/html/web/sites/default/files/pdfpreview/58-samplepdf_9.jpg' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3210.
Could any one please help me to resolve this issue? Please find more details below, PHP version - 7.0; Imagick version- 7.x; Ghostscript version - 9.18; OS - Ubuntu 16.04
I guess ghostscript is creating the issue here. Is there any post installation configuration required in docker that we need do for imagic or ghostscript.