I have a fresh install of Drupal Commons (version 6.25), and I am not allowed to upload an image. See the full description of this so called image upload issue here on this site.

new Update one a sitenote...

i want to mention that i - for the purpose of some tests have put two sites onto the server

http://schulcenter.net (for sure Version Drupal-Commons 6.25) http://schulcenter.org - (probably Version Drupal-Commons 6.23)

and they run on the same database ;-)

guess that that can cause the open File handles what do you think !? Love to hear from you

well i guess that i have to switch off one site. ;-) greetings (end of update)

here the original-initial-thread starts:

I have changed some settings regarding the file handling; I set the permissions for sites/default/files, I created a temporary directory and edited the paths accordingly. All of these seem to work, and workarounds did not change the bad habit of the site: The image upload is impossible.

Can we verify the impact of a decreased amount of Apache File handlers on the possibilities and capabilities of file, and image-handles, especially of the option to upload images? Is there any impact?

dman, a very experienced web and Drupal developer, had a closer look at the site and noticed the site status under the 'Reports' tab lists many errors, including the following one:

opendir(*) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Too many open files in /home/vhost/WWW/schulcenter.net/includes/file.inc on line 963.

It seems like it could make anything on the site break, especially things that work with files, but also anything that reads files.
I have more than 1200 repots of such message about opendir("profiles/drupal_commons/modules/acquia/acquia_search/apachesolr/drush").

I do not have installed any drush. Besides this thing, I have no clue why we get such a big amount of open file handles the server is faced with.

The dblog module monitors your website, capturing system events in a log to be reviewed by an authorized individual at a later time. The dblog log is simply a list of recorded events containing usage data, performance data, errors, warnings and operational information. It is vital to check the dblog report on a regular basis as it is often the only way to tell what is going on.

Details Type php Date Sunday, 18 March, 2012 - 21:48 User martin Location http://schulcenter.net/?q=admin/reports/dblog Referrer
Message opendir(profiles/drupal_commons/modules/acquia/acquia_search/apachesolr/drush) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Too many open files in /home/vhost/WWW/schulcenter.net/includes/file.inc on line 963. Severity error Hostname Operations

1 Answer 1


Did you find this comment on drupal.org?

The problem is a maximum open files limit per users.
We had several web servers, and several new Apache2 VirtualHost; Apache2 (www-data) reached the maximum number of open files (1024).

You can check that with ulimit -a or ulimit -n. (The default is maximum 1024 open files.)

You can modify it with ulimit -n 1500, but it will be lost after reboot.

To make the change permanent, add in /etc/security/limits.conf:

#<domain> <type> <item> <value>
www-data soft nofile 1600
www-data hard nofile 65535

Of course, restart your web server.

It explains how to set a per-user limit and increase the number of files that can be opened. If you don't have enough memory in the server, there may not be many options.

  • hello thx for he answer!! i will read the comment you point to. i havent done it yet, -- i come back and report all my findings - greetings update ahh yes know the story of didier - i stumbled upon it months ago. but now i know that this issue do not have toi do only with the installation [ note i got aware of this issue while installing on the weak server... nowadays i prepare on the local machine and afterwards i port over. i thought that this might be a kind of a workaround... but as we see- i do not get rid of the bad circumstances the server has to face,,,,, . i try to do my best!!
    – zero
    Commented Mar 19, 2012 at 0:09
  • hope your issue was resolved, it can be frustrating when the server acts up like that.
    – Arosboro
    Commented Mar 19, 2012 at 0:17
  • hello dear arosboro thx alot. Not yet resolved but workin on it.. I've not worked with this problem before and now i contact my sys-admin. Option A **- increase the limit to make things work again. Easy **Option B - find why that limit is being hit at all - it's not normal. It may be a side-effect from other things running on that server also, any process there shares the pool of file handles.
    – zero
    Commented Mar 19, 2012 at 6:20
  • one a sitenote... i want to mention that i - for the purpose of some tests have put two sites onto the server schulcenter.net ( for sure Version Drupal-Commons 6.25) schulcenter.org - (probably Version Drupal-Commons 6.23 ) and they run on the same database ;-) guess that that can cause the open File handles what do you think !? Love to hear from you we ll i guess that i have to switch off one site... besides these considerations - i guess that you are right - and a move to a new server would fix all the issues and make the troubles go a way greetings
    – zero
    Commented Mar 19, 2012 at 13:04

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