I have an old zend 1.8 cms site and I wish to import users into a drupal 7 site so that a user can login with their sha1 password without having to changing it. Once verified convert the submitted password to drupal 7 password in the users table. I would guess I would need to import users without their passwords into the users table and create a separate table to store their sha1 passwords in the database. I would be very grateful if someone can point me in the right direction to achieve this.
$str = 'password';//Users password
if (sha1($str) === '5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8') {//from imported users table
echo "Your password is valid";
//let user into the site
//insert into user.pass table password $str $S$DUygh2WJWU3caajVD3mgjIHShYgOTbaZnt9uC8lf6fMNo9lX50nr