I'm trying to use drupal_block("book_navigation") in a twig template (with the twig_tweak module installed) to display a list of chapters for a book page. But I'm getting a list of all books and their chapters.

Is there a way to use drupal_block("book_navigation") to produce a list of chapters for just the one book, maybe by passing the id of the book node as a second parameter? Or some other way?

Compare to the user interface /admin/structure/block. There, when you place a Book Navigation block in a region, you can choose the configuration option "Show block only on book pages". This causes the block to produce a list of chapters for only the book whose page the list appears on. So it's clearly possible to do it using the book navigation block. Just need to know how.


2 Answers 2


After digging into the Book module code, I discovered that in a twig template (with the twig_tweak module installed) I can use

    {{ drupal_block("book_navigation", {block_mode: "book pages"}) }}

to create a list of chapters for only the current book (which is what I need). This is equivalent to the configuration option "Show block only on book pages". Probably in documentation somewhere, but much googling didn't find it for me.


In your twig file:

{{ drupal_block('my_block', {tab_data: "Results"}) }}

In your Myblock.php file

public function defaultConfiguration() {
  return [
    'tab_data' => NULL,

public function build() {

  return [
    '#theme' => 'my_theme',
    '#tab_data' => $this->configuration['tab_data'],

we can access the tab data in the build function of the block through the configuration variable.

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