$account->getDisplayName() Bypasses "username" Field Preprocessing in User Template?
I am trying to print the value of the username
field of the user account in a user--custom.html.twig
function hook_preprocess_user(&$variables) {
$account = $variables['elements']['#user'];
$variables['userName'] = $account->getDisplayName();
{{ user.name.0.value }}
Both the above examples access the username, but seem to access the value directly and circumvent any preprocessing of the username
field (e.g. hook_preprocess_username()
), so it looks like I need a different approach.
I have a view that shows the "User" entity so does not use fields and relies on the user template. What am I missing when trying to get the processed value of the username field, instead of the user name DB value for the account?
Related: Get username in custom user twig template but different.
In my template, I am rendering content.user_picture
and trying to render username
. So maybe I need to load the user instead of both fields? Looking for the processed username
field value.