In D7, we need to modify the page title for the user login page (shown when users have not yet authenticated).
The default value is 'User account', and it is set in 'user.module' line 1965: return user_is_logged_in() ? t('My account') : t('User account');
It appears as the page title for the paths: user/register user/password user/login
This is how it is eventually rendered: User Account
To override the value for an authenticated user, we can simply implement
function MODULE_username_alter(&$name, $account) {
$name = 'New Name!';
But how to override that value for unauthenticated users?
It seems like it should be done in THEME_preprocess, but I can't seem to find the attribute to set.
I implemented page--user--login.tpl.php, and see there that it is somehow part of $page['content'], but can't find the attribute to set.