I have a custom controller, who take the tid parameter :
The tid is upcast with the taxonomy Term so in my controller method I have:
public function index(TaxonomyTerm $tid)
In this function I can get the taxonomy entity.
But for call my controller, it's not SEO friendly... i have : /myroute/43 for example.
So I won't pass the term name, because you can have spécial caractere and it's not a good pratice in a multilingue site.
So for me the best way is to work with pathauto, generate the path for the taxonomy term so i can have :
Now my question is how pass this to my controller.
I need to call my controller like that:
<a href="myroute/{param_taxo}">
So I am not sure how get the tid of the term with friendly url for SEO.
Any experience about that?