I'm running Drush 10 and have set up site aliases for my local and the remote Drupal site. When I run the following command for my local alias:
drush @local dd
This returns:
But when I run the same command for my remote alias:
drush @remote dd
This returns:
Connection to "remote" closed
Why is the output different? Is there any chance to avoid the "connection closed" message?
? Is it the same?drush -v @remote dd
to get more verbose output and you'll see what SSH command it actually performs. Then see superuser.com/a/457344/219801. But I have no idea how to prevent this at that point. Can you pass SSH options to Drush site aliases? I don't think so.--ssh-options
. Okay, what happens when you rundrush --ssh-options="-o LogLevel=QUIET" @remote dd
? Or when you addLogLevel QUIET
to your~/.ssh/config