I have been asked to add target="_blank" to the links that are produced when a user uploads a file on a Drupal 8 site.

The field type is "File". Multiple uploads are allowed.

Twig debug shows me that the field is being produced by the core template "file-link.html.twig". The entire uncommented contents of that template are:

<span{{ attributes }}>{{ link }}</span>
{% if file_size %}
  {# @todo remove class before Drupal 9.0.0 #}
  <span class="file-size">({{ file_size }})</span>
{% endif %}

I brought that template into my custom theme and tried to add the attribute to the link. I thought I'd be editing the {{ link }} part of the template, changing it to attach attributes. I did variations of this:

{{ link(item.title, item.url, attributes.setAttribute('target','_blank')) }}

Every syntax I tried produced a fatal PHP error. Thinking I was doing the attribute syntax wrong, I tested by simply trying to add a single class.

{{ link(item.title, item.url, { 'class': ['bananas'] }) }}

That was still a white screen of death, so I guess I can't use that syntax on the {{ link }} field in my file-link template.

I've been googling my eyeballs out of my head. I found this cool idea:

{% for item in items %}
  {{ item.content|merge({'#attributes': {'class': ['button', 'button--arrow', 'button--centered']}}) }}
{% endfor %}

so I adapted it for my field.html.twig template like so, changing this part:

{% for item in items %}
    <div{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item.content }}</div>
{% endfor %}

to this:

{% for item in items %}
      <div{{ item.attributes }}>{{ item.content|merge({'#attributes': {'target': ['_blank']}}) }}</div>
{% endfor %}

And while at least the page loaded and didn't have a fatal error, the target attribute did not appear on the link.

Does anyone have any advice for me getting an attribute onto a file upload link? Almost everything I've found has to do with the link field, not the file upload field. Thanks for your time.

1 Answer 1



<span{{ attributes }}>{{ link|merge({'#attributes': {'target': '_blank'}}) }}</span>
{% if file_size %}
  {# @todo remove class before Drupal 9.0.0 #}
  <span class="file-size">({{ file_size }})</span>
{% endif %}

Alternatively, you can also solve this via preprocess.


 * Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
function mytheme_preprocess_file_link(&$variables) {
  $variables['link']['#url']->setOption('attributes', ['target' => '_blank']);
  • That worked perfectly. I tested both methods and either one works. Thank you and if I could give two checks I would! For you and anyone who is interested in this topic, which of these two methods do you prefer? My pure guess only surface logic: the twig version is slightly more efficient because it only gets run if the template is used to build the page, whereas the preprocessing is run on every page build. I don't believe it makes a human noticeable difference, but I have to pick one, so trying to use logic.
    – LeraA
    Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 12:54
  • FWIW, I'm going with the preprocess method for now, since it means I have one less custom template. But if I was already using that custom template for something else, I think I would use that method instead.
    – LeraA
    Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 14:34
  • To me it would come down to. Do I want to give a front-end developer, which I don't expect to know PHP, the ability to potentially accidentally, or on purpose, be able to remove the open in a new tab feature? If the answer is yes, template file. If the answer is no, this should never be removed, preprocess.
    – No Sssweat
    Commented Oct 20, 2020 at 21:50

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