I have a view, and the no results behavior is not showing even when there are no results. The view shows all nodes tagged with the same term as the current node.
This is done with two relationships
- One from the node to the taxonomy term
- Another from the taxonomy term back to the content type
And two contextual filters
- One on the node connected through the two relationships, to filter for all nodes tagged with the same term
- One on the original source node, eliminating the node referenced in the URL from the results
The results are fields of the node (no relationship), shown in a table. I have checked the 'show the empty text in the table' box in the table settings, and I have added a global text area for the empty results behavior, showing a no-results message.
With the 'show the empty text in the table' box unchecked, nothing shows up on the page other than the page title. With the 'show the empty text in the table' checked, the table headers show up, but no empty results message.
Does anyone know what could be holding back empty results messages?
. Now, you should see the no results message; otherwise, perhaps there is indeed some custom code somewhere or you're missing some views/theme file maybe? I did a little simple case test here (user: admin pass: admin) with latest D9.