How can we delete fields from multiple tables using db_delete() and INNER JOIN in Drupal 7?

2 Answers 2


You can't I'm afraid.

db_delete() takes a single string parameter to define which table the query is to be run against. There's no scope to provide more than one table at a time.

You can run any SQL statement you like, though, with db_query(), eg.

// Deletes all nodes and related author users...please don't actually run this!!
$sql = 'DELETE u, n FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = n.uid';
  • That db_delete takes a single parameter, without allowing an alias, is annoying. Otherwise, it would be possible to use JOINs similar to db_select. Commented Mar 28, 2014 at 12:35

Yes, db_delete takes a single parameter. You have to call db_delete() multiple times to delete data from multiple tables. Please see the following sample code:

 * Implements hook_menu_delete().
function block_menu_delete($menu) {
    ->condition('module', 'menu')
    ->condition('delta', $menu['menu_name'])
    ->condition('module', 'menu')
    ->condition('delta', $menu['menu_name'])

Source link:

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