I have a webform that has a custom composite element; let's name it composite_name.
Within that custom composite, I have element_a, element_b, and element_c.
Is it possible to make element_c visible only when a value is entered in either element_a or element_b, by editing the composite element in the Webform UI?
I tried putting this in the custom properties for element_c, but it does not work:
- ':input[name=["composite_name"]["element_a"]]':
filled: true
- or
- ':input[name=["composite_name"]["element_b"]]':
filled: true
I also tried a few variations on that, with no success. I don't know whether I just have some punctuation out of place or something.
It looks like I could make the condition happen using a custom module (following the webform_example_composite module's code), but I'm hoping to configure it in the UI.