On my user profile, I am displaying a field that looks like this:
Choose your favorite fruits:
- Apples
- Strawberries
- Bananas
- Grapes
- Click to enter your own
Using the Conditional Fields module, clicking "Click to enter your own" displays a text field where the user can input whatever they like. This all works great.
However, if a user chooses "Apples", "Strawberries", and "Click to enter your own", when I display the user profile in views by adding the "favorite fruits" field, it looks like this:
Fruits I like: Apples, Strawberries, Click to enter your own
Needless to say this is very ugly and I want to hide "Click to enter your own"-- and that's all I want to do, hide that text. Is there an easy way to do that?
EDIT: I'm attempting to find the values for my site for ($view->field['my-field-name']['my-field-value']
. Using print_r, it appears that the value I want to remove is: [field_purpose]['und'][0]['o']
; "o" is the value of the checkbox for other in the field_purpose field. However, when I use this code: ($view->field['field_purpose']['und'][0]['o']
, I get this error: Fatal error: Cannot use object of type views_handler_field_field as array mymodule on line 325
Perhaps I have the value wrong? When I use dpm instead of print_r (dpm($view->field['field_purpose']);
I don't see the values of the checkboxes stored anywhere...
The dpm output is as follows: