Here is an action I need to use with VBO:
* Implements hook_action_info()
function ams_action_info() {
$action = array(
'ams_archive_action' => array(
'type' => 'ams_survey',
'label' => t('Archive survey'),
'configurable' => FALSE,
'triggers' => array('any'),
// 'behavior' => array('changes_property')
return $action;
* Implements a registered drupal action to set the archive bit on given survey
function ams_archive_action(&$entity, $context = array()) {
drupal_set_message(print_r($entity, TRUE));
$entity->archive = 1;
entity_save('ams_survey', $entity);
I selected the action in the list for a Bulk Operations field in a table view for my custom entities 'ams_survey'. The view and operations form look fine but executing the action just reloads the page. If I execute in the preview in view builder admin, I get an error popup starting with "An AJAX HTTP error occurred." but the action is successfully performed.
A block display for this view is being loaded and displayed inside a form callback which is being loaded in a page callback from hook_menu(). I have tried turning off AJAX and turning off views cache with the same result.