I have a date field in registration form, I am using template for that. When I using its outputs the html with fieldset. How can I remove that I wanna style likebleow fields.
Please see the image
Its drupal 7
Use the latest full release or the 7.x-2.x-dev version of the Date module.
There is an new option Render as a regular field
available there:
The option was added at the Make it possible to disable fieldset for date field issue.
You can simply add this to your template.php
function MYTHEME_date_combo($variables) {
return theme('form_element', $variables);
' should be you theme name defined in you .info
file placed inside your theme directory.
Source: http://codekarate.com/blog/removing-fieldset-drupal-7-date-field
It's easiest to do so with CSS.
#fieldset-wrapper-id {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0 none;
#fieldset-wrapper-id legend {
display: none;