Im slowly getting back into Drupal after much time away and beginning to pick it up and the learning curve is building back up.
So much so I always like to throw out pre-defined conventions as too restrictive while keeping the rough framework to build something bigger for what I want to do.
In my case, it's a scheduler program. But mine is in the context for a church, but could work equally well elsewhere
However the idea is that each type can have a sub type, a schedule gets applied to the type and the back end calendar generates the calendar entries for the schedule. This then gets displayed in a number of ways, from an eventually RSS feed to hook into an Android application, to a Calendar and everything else in between.
Each calendar item needs to be overwritable in that it's a generic item that may have additional certain applicable details rather than being a unique entity in its own right.
This list of types should be output with a link then to each type while I alter the page then to generate a list of next upcoming schedules for that item. Click on a date and get entries for that date. etc
It's all going pretty well until I realise I need to start referring to things by database Id instead of having a nice URL because frankly, database calendar entries don't as such have a nice URL.
One of the things I would have liked to have done is to have a URL alias against a node for my event type, eg, somecategory/sometype but then to be able to use the hook_menu system to get somecategory/sometype/% (where % could be sun, mon, tue, wed etc). Bearing in mind somecategory, sometype will be variable depending on user input, only % will have a list of specific possible - sun throu sat.
Trouble is, it doesn't look like you can do it, so I've just had to use an alias such as calendar/type/%
Any thoughts on this hook_menu issue, and any thoughts overall? 2000 lines of code into this thing and Im wondering why Im doing this (oh yeah, I like doing things my way).