Possible Duplicate:
specify $form elements to be excluded from display?

I would like to hide a field on a form using hook_form_ID_alter. The form is owned by another module. This field cannot be unset because it contains a value.

Using CSS {display: none} for the standard field class is not good because the field should be hidden only in specific conditions (which must be determined using php).

In hook_form_ID_alter, I could add an #attribute to the field with a class value e.g. hideme and then use CSS to hide this class. But it will leave the field title (tried).

The field has #prefix set to <div class='some_class'> (in this particular case). This prefix precedes the field as well as the title when displayed in a browser. So I could analyze the prefix with regular expression and add a hideme class there. But I am not 100% sure what the #prefix will contain, so the regexp could be complex.

Perhaps there is a better way to hide a field with title on a form?


2 Answers 2


You can set the #access property for the form field to FALSE. The form field will not be shown to the users, but its value will be still be available in $form_state['values'] for the submission, and validation handlers.

Using #access is always the suggested way to avoid users can change the value of a form field, and avoid any third-party module depending on that form field starts to raise warnings, or fails to work as expected.


You can use the hide() function instead of unset(), if you want to retain the value in the field. From the docs:

Hides an element from later rendering.

In simple words, hide() marks the render-able array as already rendered, so that the theme's function will not render it.

  • hide() shouldn't be used for form elements, it can cause a lot of problems. See the comments on the accepted answer to the duplicate question :)
    – Clive
    Commented Nov 19, 2012 at 10:11

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