What I want to do.
- A user clicks on his profile page.
- A view displays that shows a list of completed tasks.
- A task consists of a list of check-boxes (a checklist) and a "pending and finished" dropdown.
- The user should also be able to create a task for himself, selected from a list of checklists.
This is my solution so far
Create a content type "checklists"
create a role reference field
create the checkbox field
create a view with CONTEXTUAL FILTERS to show the tasks assigned to the user
Ive also tried a few modules
QA Checklist
SEO Checklist
But they dont seem to have the features i want.
Am i going in the right direction?
Flags also looks promising - It looks like you can create a flag(button:create task) and then use actions or rules to create the node and reference the user automatically